Our customers

The construction industry

Are you an investor searching for ideal locations in Poland to build a shopping center or terrace-houses that meet your specific criteria?

You are in the right place!

Contact us and together we will find for you the best locations for your investments!

Contact us at sales@kcdo.pl or fill out the contact form.

Contact us at sales@kcdo.pl or fill out the contact form.


Our algorithms can determine the ideal areas for any construction project. geo:INFRA successfully supports investors who are looking for precisely defined areas for projects such as:
Here’s how it works:  Contact us and fill out an order form with one of our advisors. Specify the location, such as a city, specific districts in the city, voivodeship, commune, or village. Our tool will perform an automated terrain analysis based on over 150 parameters which values you can define. In the final report, you will receive a list of qualified areas with a detailed analysis of plots that meet the search criteria set by the client. You’ll also get information about the Local Development Plan and an useful interactive map containing all qualified plots.
Examples: Our client was looking for the best locations for a shopping center within one of the largest cities in Poland. We conducted an automated analysis, as well as a local development plan (LDP)analysis, and delivered a report with several dozen plots that met all their search criteria.