GDPR Informative Clauses

Personal data controller

The Personal data controller for the data specified above is: Krajowe Centrum Danych Otwartych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Łaziska Górne (43-170) at Cieszyńska 23G, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register held by the District Court for Katowice Wschód, VIII Commercial Division, under KRS number: 8992822607 REGON: 367745780, the share capital: PLN 110,000.00, fully paid.

Communication with the personal data controller / data protection officer

Communication with the personal data controller in matters related to personal data processing is possible via mail to: Cieszyńska 23G, 43-170 Łaziska Górne or via e-mail:  Communication in matters related to personal data processing is possible also directly with data protection officer appointed by the personal data controller, via e-mail to:

Purposes of personal data processing

We process personal data for the purpose of performance of services for our customers which can be entities carrying out public tasks related to lands, buildings and premises, telecommunication entities, electricity undertaking, debt collection agency, banks having their own legal basis for obtaining and further processing of personal data specified above.

Legal basis for personal data processing

The legal basis for personal data processing is legitimate interest of the data controller meaning conducting a business activity with the use of publicly available public sector information (article 6 section 1 subsection f) of the Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on repeal of the directive 95/46/WE (the general data protection regulation) (the „GDPR”)).

Period of personal data processing

Personal data are being processed for the time necessary for performance of the purpose specified above, however not longer than until the controller takes cognisance of objection to personal data processing brought by the data subject (pursuant to article 21 of the GDPR), or circumstances for erasure of the data being processed occur due to such a request made by the data subject (pursuant to article 17 of the GDPR).

Recipients of the personal

Recipients of the data processed may be our clients for whom we provide the above-mentioned services, provided that they have a legal basis for processing of the specified personal data.  Recipients of the data may also be entities providing services for us, in particular IT, courier, legal services, also the companies from the capital group which the personal data controller belongs to.

Data subjects’ rights

Using providers of, for example, IT support, personal data may be transmitted outside the European Union.  In such case, transmission of personal data will be carried out only based on a relevant legal grounds, for example, based on standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Committee.

Automated decisions including profiling

The data controller will not take any actions towards the data subjects based exclusively on automated data processing, including profiling, which the actions may bring legal effects upon the data subjects or may affect them in a similar way.