
GEODIVISION A breakthrough in the utility easement management


For many companies from the utilities sectors, a great concern in managing transmission networks (gas network, electricity grid, telecommunication, heating system) is mainly to determine the administrative and legal status of the property where the transmission networks are located or are planned to be located. Owners of the transmission systems suffer from lack of comprehensive information on the owners of the lands where the systems pass through, what as a consequence prevents from regulating the utility easement.

What is utility easement?

The term “utility easement” means encumbrance on a property by an entrepreneur who intends to build or who owns equipment located on a given plot. The legal regulation enables the entrepreneur to use the encumbered property in a specified manner, in accordance with intended purpose of the devices. Put simply, the institution of the utility easement intends to make it possible for the utility entrepreneur to use his equipment which are located on the third party’s property.

Most of all, the utility easement is a modern legal institution ensuring a golden mean to entrepreneurs and property owners that helps them regulate mutual relations based on the use of the property part by the entrepreneur not having a legal title to it.

Furthermore, our intention was to design a standardised process of easement servicing that can facilitate operations and is adjusted to rules and work policies applicable in many utility companies. Thanks to the proposed solutions, it is possible to have easy access to information on owners of properties where distribution equipment is located. Our product, including automation and digitalisation of comprehensive land property analysis (regulation of legal situation of networks – usucaption, easement, right of way, etc.), is accessible, fast and legible for every recipient. Additional advantage is a cartographic visualisation of the analysis results.

The proposed product effectively facilitates the utilities branch and offers a ready tool for solving of utilities easement problems.